How do you fix Wahl clippers that are not cutting?

How do you fix Wahl clippers that are not cutting?

Hair Clippers


Wahl clippers are known for their quality and reliability, but occasionally, you may encounter a problem where the clippers are not cutting as effectively as they should. This can be frustrating, especially if you rely on your clippers for professional or personal grooming purposes. In this article, we will explore several troubleshooting steps to help you fix Wahl clippers that are not cutting properly, addressing common issues and providing specific solutions.

Hair Clippers

How do you fix Wahl clippers that are not cutting?

Clean and Oil the Blades

One of the most common reasons for clippers not cutting effectively is a buildup of hair, debris, and product residue on the blades. Over time, this buildup can hinder the cutting performance. Here’s how to clean and oil the blades:

Power off the clippers and detach the blade assembly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Use a small brush or toothbrush to remove any hair or debris from the blades. Be gentle to avoid damaging the blades.

Apply a few drops of clipper oil along the length of the blades. Ensure that the oil reaches the moving parts and the teeth of the blades.

Turn on the clippers and let them run for a few seconds to allow the oil to distribute evenly.

Wipe off any excess oil with a clean cloth or tissue.

Reattach the blade assembly and test the clippers. They should now cut more effectively.

Hair Clippers

Check Blade Alignment

Blade misalignment can cause clippers to cut unevenly or not cut at all. If you notice that the clippers are not cutting evenly, it’s important to check the blade alignment. Here’s how:

Power off the clippers and detach the blade assembly.

Examine the blades to ensure they are properly aligned. They should sit flush against each other and move smoothly when the clippers are turned on.

If the blades are misaligned, gently adjust them using a screwdriver or the adjustment lever, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Be careful not to overtighten the screws.

Reattach the blade assembly and test the clippers to see if the cutting performance has improved.

Replace or Sharpen the Blades

If cleaning and aligning the blades do not resolve the cutting issue, it may be time to replace or sharpen them. Over time, the blades can become dull or damaged, significantly affecting their cutting performance. Here are your options:

Replace the Blades: If the blades are significantly worn, damaged, or cannot be sharpened, it is recommended to replace them with new ones. Wahl offers replacement blades for most of their clippers, allowing you to maintain optimal cutting performance.

Sharpen the Blades: If the blades are still in good condition but have become dull, you can try sharpening them. Many professional sharpening services specialize in clipper blades and can restore their sharpness. Alternatively, you can purchase a clipper blade sharpening kit and follow the instructions to sharpen the blades yourself. Be cautious, as improper sharpening can damage the blades.

Hair Clippers

Adjust the Clipper Tension

Clipper tension refers to the tightness of the clipper blades against each other. If the tension is too loose or too tight, it can affect the cutting performance. Here’s how to adjust the clipper tension:

Power off the clippers and detach the blade assembly.

Locate the tension screw on the clippers. It is typically located near the blade hinge.

Turn the tension screw clockwise to increase the tension or counterclockwise to decrease it. Make small adjustments and test the clippers between each adjustment.

Reattach the blade assembly and test the clippers to see if the cutting performance has improved. Continue adjusting the tension as needed until the desired cutting performance is achieved.

Check the Power Source

Sometimes, the clippers may not be cutting effectively due to a power issue. Ensure that the clippers are properly plugged into a functioning power source. If you are using cordless clippers, check that the battery is adequately charged. Low power can result in reduced cutting performance.

Replace the Motor or Components

If none of the previous steps have resolved the cutting issue, it is possible that there is a problem with the clippers’ motor or other internal components.

Hair Clippers

Regular Maintenance and Care

To prevent future cutting issues and extend the lifespan of your clippers, it is important to perform regular maintenance and care. Here are some tips:

Clean and oil the blades after each use to prevent hair and debris buildup.

Regularly check the blade alignment and adjust as needed.

Replace or sharpen the blades as necessary.

Keep the clipper housing clean by wiping it with a damp cloth to remove any product residue or buildup.

Store the clippers in a clean and dry location to prevent dust and debris from accumulating.

Seek Professional Help

If you have tried all the troubleshooting steps mentioned above and are still experiencing issues with your Wahl clippers, it may be necessary to seek professional help. Professional technicians or Wahl’s customer support team can provide expert advice and guidance specific to your clippers. They may be able to diagnose the problem and recommend appropriate solutions or repairs.

Consider User Error

Sometimes, the issue with clippers not cutting effectively may not be due to a fault with the clippers themselves but rather user error. Ensure that you are using the clippers correctly, applying the right amount of pressure, and moving the clippers smoothly through the hair. Additionally, make sure you are using the appropriate guard size for the desired cutting length. Improper usage can lead to ineffective cutting and unsatisfactory results.

Assess the Hair Type and Condition

The effectiveness of clippers can vary depending on the hair type and condition. Coarser or thicker hair may require more power or sharper blades to cut effectively. If you are consistently experiencing issues with cutting certain types of hair, it may be worth exploring different blade options or seeking advice from experienced professionals who work with similar hair types.

Hair Clippers


If your Wahl clippers are not cutting effectively, there are several steps you can take to resolve the issue. Start by cleaning and oiling the blades, as this is often the main cause of cutting problems. Check the blade alignment and adjust if necessary. If the blades are significantly worn or damaged, consider replacing or sharpening them. Adjusting the clipper tension and ensuring a proper power source can also make a difference. If all else fails, consult a professional or Wahl’s customer support for further assistance. By performing regular maintenance and care, you can prevent future cutting issues and keep your clippers in optimal condition for a long time.

Rafael Miguel